Lord Boateng delivering a lecture to a packed audience at the Kofi Ohene-Konadu Auditorium.

Lord Boateng encourages the youth to engage in active politics for nation building

A member of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom, Lord Paul Yaw Boateng, has called upon Ghana’s youth to actively participate in the political processes of the country.

Speaking at the 2024 UPSA annual leadership lecture, he emphasised the critical role young people play in shaping the future of the nation.

He stressed that by bringing fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, the youth can drive the changes necessary for a more transparent and effective governance system.

“My message to young people is that don’t wash your hands off the political process,” Lord Boateng said.

“Don’t say it’s all too dirty, it’s all too corrupt. If you believe it is [dirty and corrupt], get in there and clean it up.”

Lord Boateng highlighted the potential for positive change that lies in the hands of the youth, stressing that a total disengagement from politics is not a solution to perceived corruption and inefficiency in the system.

Instead, he encouraged young people especially graduate students to take up the challenge of reforming and revitalising the political system from within.

“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never has, and it never will. In the UK, they didn’t wake up one morning and say, oh, wouldn’t it be nice to have Paul Boateng, Bernie Grant, and Nick Baines as members of Parliament,” he said.

“We were elected for the first time in 1987 because a group of people—young and old, black and white—in the towns and in the cities came together and said enough is enough. We cannot have an all-white parliament… we organised and that was changed.”

The renowned diplomat and politician further noted that active participation in politics not only empowers individuals but also contributes significantly to the development and progress of the nation.


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