The Organizational Structure of the University comprises the University’s Governing Council which is constituted by Government, the Academic Board cascading to other Statutory Committees including Deans of Schools/ Faculties, Directors of Institutes and Heads of Departments.
Senior Members and the Unionized Staff are also involved in the governance by serving on various committees in the University.
The UPSA Act 850, 2012 under section 4(1) empowers the University Governing Council to ensure the implementation and achievement of the objectives of the University. As a result, the Council is at the apex of the governance structure. The Council ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of the University’s operations; reliability of financial reporting; compliance with laws and regulations; and safeguarding its assets. The Act gives power to the Council to appoint lecturers and other officials to academic and administrative positions and to oversee the internal organization of the University, including the establishment, variation and supervision of academic departments and faculties/ schools and Institutes.
Appointment of Senior Members of the University by the Council is done in accordance with the UPSA Statutes. However, in the case of the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar, appointments are made upon the recommendation of a Search Committee set up by the Council.
The Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) and Students Representative Council (SRC) of UPSA are involved in the decision making processes of the University through their representatives on committees such as the Governing Council, Tender, Security, Clinic Management, Industrial Relations, Library, Sports, Environment and Food Safety Committee, Bookshop Management, Timetable Committee, Hostel Committee and Matriculation Committee. In addition, SRC members are invited to join ad-hoc committees when the University requires specific input or contributions from students.
The students elect their own leaders through democratic elections. The GRASAG/SRC manages its own finances, programmes and activities using laid down procedures, subject to approval by Management. It also has its own judicial system and grievance procedures. Additionally, it presents and supports its members for positions on national student bodies. Currently, the GRASAG and SRC have members on national bodies such as Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) Board, National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS), National Youth Council (NYC) and the Ghana Union of Professional Students (GUPS).
The UPSA Act and the enabling Statutes enacted by the Governing Council provide direction regarding policies and programmes of the University. Other legislative instruments include the Public Procurement Act 2003, Act 663; Financial Administration Act, 2003, Act 654 and the Labour Act, 2003, Act 651. The Act guides decisions on procurements and determines the spending authority of the Vice – Chancellor and other spending by officers.
Government has the responsibility of providing the resources and the enabling environment in which education, learning and research and innovation thrive. Government policies and directives are clearly conveyed through the appropriate recognized sector regulatory bodies including the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Finance Ministry.