On behalf of my colleagues at the CPMLET, I wish to welcome you to the Centre for Practical and Multi-Disciplinary Legal Education and Training (CMPLET) website. CPMLET is an academic Centre set up to develop and minister a curriculum for practical and multi-disciplinary academic legal education in the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA). The Centre is the first of its kind in Ghana. The academic programmes at the Centre are aimed at providing law graduates with cutting edge expertise in law and various business disciplines, as well as equipping graduates with practical problem-solving skills relevant to the development of the country in the 21st century.
Godwin Adagewine, Dean
About the Centre
The centre for Practical and Multidisciplinary Legal Education and Training was established or created in accordance with the University of Professional Studies Act, 2012 and the Statutes of the university. The Centre was created pursuant to a proposal developed by its dean for its creation. The Centre s an academic centre that has the mandate to develop a curriculum for practical and multidisciplinary legal education and training in UPSA. The curriculum shall provide for a combined bachelor of laws (LLB) programme that combines law with various business specialisation options. The curriculum shall also provide for the integration of theoretical and practical approaches in the teaching and learning of law in the university. The Centre is not an extension of any academic or administrative unit or division in the university. As an academic Centre, it is headed by an academic Dean, who is answerable to the Vice Chancellor of the university. For the purpose of the day-to-day administration of the Centre, the Dean is assisted by a Programmes Coordinator, whose schedule is the functional equivalent of an Academic Head of Department. The Centre also has a Senior Administrative Assistant whose responsibility, among others, is to provide administrative and secretarial support services.
The broad mandate of the Centre is to promote practical and multidisciplinary legal education and training in the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA). Specifically, the Centre is to design and administer an LLB with business specialisation in various business options. In addition to its multidisciplinary outlook, the programme integrates theoretical and practical al approaches to academic legal education. The goal is not to produce and qualify professional lawyers to practice; that is the statutory mandate of the Ghana School of Law. On the contrary, the goal is to design innovative measures and strategies for the production of law graduates who will possess knowledge of legal theory and doctrine and also equipped with practical problem-solving expertise and skills in law and various business disciplines. In addition to this, the Centre has the mandate to design and run specialized legal literacy certificate short courses in various aspects of law. Furthermore, the Centre shall promote interdisciplinary legal scholarship by carrying out black letter and socio legal research activities as well as establishing and managing manage a journal of interdisciplinary Legal Research. The coordination of the teaching and learning of business law in the university at the diploma, degree and masters levels is also within the mandate of the Centre. The Centre shall organise seminars, public lectures and training workshops on the concept of practical and multidisciplinary legal education and its relevance to the legal system.
Vision Statement
The Centre aspires to be a leading Centre of excellence for practical and multidisciplinary legal education and training that is nationally entrenched, regionally recognised and globally relevant.
Mission Statement
The Centre strives to provide high quality practical and multidisciplinary legal education and training that adequately prepares future law graduates to enter the world of law practice in the 21st century with confidence and cutting-edge expertise in law and various business disciplines.
Fundamental core values
The fundamental core values that underpin work culture at the Centre are:
• Hard work
• Innovation
• Initiative and drive
• Teamwork
• Inclusiveness
• Non discrimination
• Participation
• Consultation
• Commitment
Help Desk
Centre for Practical and Multidisciplinary Legal Education and Training
Justice Ayertey Building (LBC 108)
Tel: 0241466853/0248600158
Email: [email protected]