
UPSA Intensive Preparatory Classes for Law School Entrance Examinations

The Centre for Practical and Multidisciplinary Legal Education and Training (CPMLET) at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) is organising a 9-week intensive preparatory classes for LLB holders and final year LLB students in Ghana, who wish to write the Ghana School of Law Entrance Exams.

Date: 15th June – 15th August, 2021

Venue: UPSA

Fee: GHS 1,550.00

Payment and Registration Procedure:

1. Payment should be made – before 15th June, 2021, through any networked branch of
Absa Bank into; Account Name: University of Professional Studies, Accra.
Account number- 1824888.

2. Complete and submit the Registration Form [DOWNLOAD FORM HERE]

Note: Seasoned Law lecturers will take students through nine-weeks of preparatory classes in the following six (6) subjects:

1. Constitutional Law

2. Ghana Legal System & Methods

3. Criminal Law

4. Law of Contract

5. Law of Torts

6. Law of Immovable Property

For more information: Contact: 024- 8600158; 054-9582146; 024-6287210 or Email:

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