
Updates on End of Second Semester – 2023/2024 Academic Year Examination

All Undergraduate (Levels 200-400), Diploma Second Year and Postgraduate First Year students are to note the following updates on the End of Second Semester-2023/2024 Academic Year Examination.

1. Deadline for Course Registration
All students who have still not done their course registration for the semester are strongly advised to follow the procedure specified in the notice dated Tuesday, 30th April, 2024 to complete their registration. The second-semester-2023/2024 course registration deadline for continuing students has been extended to Wednesday, 29th May, 2024 after which the registration portal will be closed. Students are advised to address all outstanding course registration issues before the deadline elapses. Students who fail to register by the deadline cannot write the examination.

2. Final Examination Time-table for Second Semester-2023/2024 Academic Year
The final examination timetable for all continuing students has been published on the University website and all students’ social media group platforms as of Friday, 24th May, 2024. Students are to note the dates and times of sitting their examination.

3. No Student ID Card, No Examination Policy
All students are also reminded that using a student’s ID card for university examinations is compulsory. The policy of “No Student ID Card, No Examination” will therefore be strictly enforced during the forthcoming examination. To this end, any student who does not have a student ID card should immediately visit the Data Centre (AB.9) to acquire one.

4. Examination Rules and Regulations
We implore all students to comply with all rules and regulations governing the University examinations attached to this notice.

Thank you.

Anthony Afeadie
Director of Academic Affairs


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