
Reschedule of Academic Calendar Second Semester-2023/2024 Academic Year Undergraduate (Level 100) and Diploma First-Year

This is to inform all undergraduate (Level 100) and diploma first-year students of the University that the academic calendar for the remaining part of the second semester-2023/2024 academic year has been rescheduled as follows:

1. Course Registration
Course registration for the second semester-2023/2024 academic year which started on Monday, 20th May, 2024 will end on Sunday, 30th June, 2024.

2. Teaching
Teaching activities for the second semester-2023/2024 academic year began on Monday, 27th May, 2024 and will now end on Sunday, 11th August, 2024.

3. Revision
Revision week starts from Monday, 12th August to Sunday, 18th August 2024.

4. Examination
The end of the second-semester examination will be held from Monday, 19th August to Sunday, 1st September 2024.

For further details visit the University’s website:

All students must note the dates specified for the various activities and comply accordingly.



Anthony Afeadie

Director of Academic Affairs



      University’s website

SRC President


CC: Vice-Chancellor



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Heads of Department


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