Raymond Dziwornu is an Associate Professor in Applied Economics and a Certified Risk & Compliance Professional in the Banking and Finance Department, University of Professional Studies, Accra, (UPSA), with over fifteen (15) years experience in teaching, research and extension service. He has a rich administrative experience which he has accumulated over the years from being a Chief Administrative Assistant, Course Lead Facilitator, Programme Coordinator, Head of Department and Dean. As the current Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Prof. Dziwornu serves on several Statutory Committees, and has initiated and facilitated the development of several graduate and undergraduate academic programmes.
Prof. Dziwornu holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from University of Ghana, Legon, International Diploma in Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), Post-Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Lancaster University, UK and a Certificate in Higher Education Administration, Zhejiang Normal University, China. He teaches economics related courses and has published over fifteen articles in high-ranked journals such as Managerial Decision and Economics. His research areas include International Trade and Policy, Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Decision Modelling, Poverty Analysis, Agricultural Risk and Finance and Policy Analysis. He has undertaken collaborative studies for institutions such as International Food Policy and Research Institute (IFPRI), and presented papers at both local and international conferences and seminars.
As his service to community, Prof. Dziwornu is an external examiner to a number of local and foreign Universities, a reviewer to some International refereed journals and a member of a couple of national Boards and Committees. Prof. Dziwornu is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Economists of Ghana (ICEG), Member, International Compliance Association (ICA), the Association of African Agricultural Economists (AAAE), Member International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), and the Royal Economic Society, UK.