
Rashidi Ogunmola

Assistant Lecturer
Faculty: I.T. & Communication Studies
Department: Communication Studies
Academic Area(s): French Language, Business French, African Francophone Literature, Literary Criticism
Rashidi is an academic in the field of Languages. As an academic, his teaching areas include teaching French as a foreign language, French for specific purposes, English, and African Francophone literature. His research interest is in literary theory and criticism. Rashidi has 12 years teaching experience in French, and he provides translation and interpretation services.

Academic Degrees
•MPhil in French, University of Ghana, Legon, 2011.
•Bachelor of Arts in French and Information Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, 2008.
•Diplôme Approfondi de la Langue Française C2 (Adavnced Certificate in French Language), Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin, 2007.

Professional Experience
•Lecturer, Department of Liberal Arts, African University College of Communications, (2013-2019)
•Translation services, UNESCO and INDEPTH Network, (2014)
•Teacher, Roka International School, (2013)
•French Instructor, Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, (2008-2009)
•Interpretation services, BCEAO (Lomé-Togo), (August 2009)
•Volunteer Translator, (French Translation and Interpretation Services), African Cup of Nations, (February 2008)
•Internship, Alliance française, (June – December 2005)

Conferences (Unpublished Paper)
1.Ogunmola, R. (2011). Building a Ghanaian cultural unity through language.

Subject Areas (Teaching)
Undergraduate Level
•French Oral
•French Grammar

Professional Membership & Affiliations
•Member, University Teachers’ Association of Ghana (UTAG)