
Patience A. D. Korsorku

Assistant Lecturer
Faculty: Accounting & Finance
Department: Accounting
Academic Area(s): Accounting
Ms. Patience Akosua Dzigbordi Korsorku is an assistant lecturer at the Department of Accounting, University of Professional Studies, Accra, (UPSA), with over two years experience in teaching and administration.

Prior to her appointment as assistant lecturer, Ms. Patience volunteered as an administrative staff, interned as an administrative staff and worked as a Graduate Assistant with the School of Graduate Studies, UPSA.

Ms. Patience holds an MBA in Accounting and finance from UPSA, Level 2 of ICAG. She is currently a final year student of Mphil Finance, UPSA and teaches accounting related courses. Her research areas include accounting, taxation and finance. She has one published article and one conference paper to her credit.