Dr. Marijke Okyireh is a Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration, UPSA. She holds PhD in Psychology and Master of Philosophy degree in Social Psychology from the Department of Psychology, University of Ghana. She is a Social Psychologist with her specializations in Entrepreneurial Cognitions and Organizational Behaviour and Management. She has 10 years teaching experience from public and private universities like Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Institute of Organizational Development and Wisconsin International University College spanning a period between 2016 and 2018.
She participated in a Moodle program between 2015 and 2016 designed by the Department of Governance and Policy Analysis, University of Maastricht, Netherlands. She was part of the committee that designed and implemented a certificate and diploma program for Forensic Psychology and Investigative Procedures at the Centre for Management Development, GIMPA.
She is a member of the Ghana Psychology Council and has several published papers in refereed journals. Dr. Okyireh teaches courses such as Entrepreneurship Development, Business Leadership and Ethics, Organizational Behaviour, and Organizational Behaviour and Management.
She participated in a Moodle program between 2015 and 2016 designed by the Department of Governance and Policy Analysis, University of Maastricht, Netherlands. She was part of the committee that designed and implemented a certificate and diploma program for Forensic Psychology and Investigative Procedures at the Centre for Management Development, GIMPA.
She is a member of the Ghana Psychology Council and has several published papers in refereed journals. Dr. Okyireh teaches courses such as Entrepreneurship Development, Business Leadership and Ethics, Organizational Behaviour, and Organizational Behaviour and Management.