
Dr. Abel Mawuko Agoba

Faculty: Accounting & Finance
Department: Banking and Finance
Dr. Abel Mawuko Agoba is lecturer and researcher in banking, finance and economics, with over eight (8) years' experience in outstanding communication, classroom management and presentation skills.

He holds PhD Finance, MPhil Finance and Bsc. Administration (Accounting Option) Degrees from the University of Ghana Business School. He is also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana. Abel has worked with the Enterprise Development Services in conjunction with the British Council and TechnoServe to provide skills and knowledge in business development and entrepreneurship to SMEs. He demonstrates additional knowledge in accounts preparation and audit for SMEs, research conduct and supervision as well as course content development. His area of interest also include political economy, institutions, monetary and fiscal policy and corporate and international finance. Below are links to his publications:
selected papers