Dear student,
Please take note of the following regarding the final time-table for the End of First Semester Examinations for the 2020/2021 Academic Year:
1. Final time-table will be published by 8.00 pm on Wednesday , March 24, 2021 on this page.
2. The mode of examinations shall be both in-person and virtual Take Home Examination (T.H.E).
3. Colour scheme for easy understanding of the time-table will be as follows:
▪ Level 100 – GREEN | WHITE
▪ Level 200 – GREEN | WHITE
▪ Level 300 – GREEN | BLUE
▪ Level 400 – GREEN | WHITE & LIGHT BLUE
▪ Diploma Levels 100 & 200 – PEACH | GOLD
4. You are advised to take note of the mode of examination (virtual/in-person) and schedule of your courses for the examinations.
Ag. Director, Academic Affairs