
International Women’s Day 2017

Indeed this day is very deserving of women. Women everywhere need to be celebrated , for being a woman if for nothing at all. We are truly the world’s greatest gift. God’s most wonderful creation.

Beauty, hardwork, intelligence  Wisdom, virtue, respect, daughter, sister, wife , mother, the patience to  listen, the strength to support and  care is just in a woman.

On this day, I want us to acknowledge all the great women out there blazing the trials. Who have in numerous ways been a source of inspiration to us  and generations to come.

On this day, I want us as tomorrow women leaders to sit and ponder over what we are doing to leave an impact or an imprint in the next generation..

We had it easier than most as compared to years back when women had to fight for a seat in a classroom.

That fight is still ongoing but now there’s a more difficult fight –

A seat at the decision making table.

What legacy are we leaving behind?

What will our generation be remembered for ?

Men are not against us as much we think, not anymore. We are against our own selves  by being stuck in our comfort zones ,waiting for someone to do what we can do.

We need to desire to leave a mark and we need to work to leave a mark.

Only then will generations to come sign our praise.

Happy International Women’s Day

Signed Linda A. Akanjo

(SRC Women’s Commissioner, UPSA)

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