
ICBMED 2021: Call for Abstracts

The University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) invites submissions for the 6th edition of its annual International Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurial Development (ICBMED) 2021 on the theme: “Managing Businesses in Times of Crises: Implications of COVID-19 for Businesses.”

Date: 15th-16th  April, 2021

Venue: UPSA Auditorium, Accra


Undoubtedly, the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease has triggered a global public health emergency. In seeking to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the globe have enforced different policies, including travel restrictions, lockdowns, and curfews. Although such policies have been successful to varying degrees in curtailing the spread, they have also contributed to a major economic crisis, including increasing unemployment levels and the collapse of some businesses. Economic growth has undergone considerable stagnation and has been reconfigured in reaction to COVID-19, with already substantial costs for people, businesses and communities. The complete impact of the economic effects of the pandemic remains unfurling.

COVID-19 has strongly emphasized the interconnection between business and society. Unlike more recent crises (such as the Ebola crisis, the SARS or the global financial crisis), the COVID- 19 crisis has affected the whole world and is global in its multidimensional consequences, which have triggered major impacts to people’s health, psychological, economic, and social well- being. The reaction to the COVID-19 crisis seems to have been exceptional in scale and complexity. Whereas the crisis is distant from over, responses to it are advancing and its implications are yet to be thoroughly established. It is, therefore, imperative for researchers and scholars to turn our attention to understanding the implications that COVID-19 poses for business and society, particularly, in Ghana. Among other things, important research questions regarding the role of businesses in a global pandemic and, conversely, the implications of a global pandemic on businesses demand research attention.

Consequently, this conference seeks to provide an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to discuss and explore the issues relevant to the conference theme. Prospective contributors are encouraged to submit an extended abstract responding to any of the following specific thematic areas but not limited to the conference theme and the specific thematic areas:

• Crisis Management
• Business and COVID-19
• Law and Governance
• Accounting and Finance
• Business Strategy
• Marketing
• Information Technology
• Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations
• Agribusiness
• Tourism and Environment
• General Management
• Media and Communication
• Impact Assessments and Evaluations



• Blended – In-person and virtual



We hereby welcome authors interested in presenting papers during the 6th ICBMED- 2021 to submit an extended abstract of their research works (only in MS Word as an email attachment) through (only in MS Word) through

• The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15th March, 2021.

• Extended abstracts should be written according to the below structure including the following headings: Abstract, Introduction(Purpose/Aim & Background), Methodology, Findings/Results, Conclusion. There is flexibility as to the naming of the sections. Sub-headings can be used when necessary.

• Extended abstracts can contain figures, tables and/or images. Page format should be A4 page size with margins 2.5 cm wide from the right, left, top and bottom. Extended abstracts should not exceed 4 pages including tables, figures and references.

• Structure of the extended abstract (should not exceed 4 pages including tables, figures and references)

Title of the paper

Author(s) full name 

Authors affiliation and email address

Abstract  (Not exceeding 250 words) 

Introduction (Purpose/aım & background)

This section should (1) present the scope and objective of the paper and state the problem, (2) briefly review the relevant literature, (3) provide a summary of the main results of the work.



The methodology must be clearly stated and described in sufficient detail or with sufficient references.



The findings (or results) of the work should be explicitly described and illustrated. Supporting figures, tables and images of the results (no more than one figure and one table) may be included in the extended abstract. If the study has resulted in significant results then the author(s) should provide a brief overview of expected results along the lines of the hypothesis set.



Conclusions should include (1) the principles and generalisations inferred from the results, (2) any exceptions to, or problems with these principles and generalisations, (3) conclusions drawn and recommendations.



References should be listed in alphabetical order and presented in a  format according to APA 6th Style.



• Conference date: 15th-16th April 2021
• Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: 15th March 2021
• Notice of acceptance of abstracts: 25th March 2021



• All accepted and presented abstracts will be published in a book of abstracts and on the organizer’s website. By submitting an abstract, authors give consent and authorize the Scientific Committee to publish their abstracts.

• Authors who wish to publish their papers are encouraged to submit their full papers to the Journal of Business and Professional Studies for consideration in a special edition. The Journal of Business and Professional Studies is a prestigious international peer-review journal published by the University of Professional Studies, Accra. Authors are to note that presenting their papers at the ICBMED conference does not guarantee an automatic acceptance for publication in the Journal of Business and Professional Studies.




Office: J. J. Martey Block, TF06 (3rd Floor), UPSA


Phone: +233(0)261717238; +233(0) 26 214 9431; +233(0)553293210

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