We came! We saw! We conquered! UPSA MABC Weekend Class of 2022.
This is the day the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it!
To some of us, we are still surprised at the milestone because at a point we seemed stuck, choked and ready to give up. But the still voice of hope, determination, resilience, and tenacity kept us going.
In this journey, we created a beautiful bond we never wish to break. Friends who go through the mill together indeed stay together.
The early mornings and late nights were worth it and see its outcome, so beautiful and glorious.
To our coordinator, Dr. Ibn Kailan Abdul-Hamid, words will fail me! You have been one of the best! You condoned us, you tolerated us, so patient and sometimes I wish never to be in your shoes.
Your swift response to issues and your constant involvement in our academic lives even personal ones, makes you worth celebrating for a lifetime.
When we were depressed and anxious about the next steps, you took time off to speak to our hearts and brought us back on track.
I admit, we have worried you many times yet the father in you managed us so gracefully and we owe this milestone to you. We will miss you greatly! We pray for God’s immense blessings for you.
Dr Linda Narh, a mother you have been! A friend you have been! A Counsellor you have been!
How you make us start our Saturdays with prayer and end with waakye conversations are memories we will relish forever.
You speak to our souls with sweet and comforting words that remind us of our glory ahead. Not forgetting the real-life admonishments.
We dedicate this milestone to you. You touched the deepest parts of our being. And we pray for God’s immense blessings for you.
Dr. Juliana Akushika, can we ever tell our life story without you? No! The brand Akushika! We love you.
We wish to be like you, a woman so determined, resilient and challenging. It was an honour to have you teach and mentor us. You have been all things to us, and we can’t recover from wearing nose masks always.
God bless you mum; we dedicate this milestone to you, and we pray for God’s immense blessings.

Dr. Henry Boateng, the lecturer we never met in person. Our Sundays are never the same anymore. Your class was so lively and fun and sometimes felt like a conversation. Your class is one that we struggle to log off when the 3 hours are over.
Your class brought life and joy to some of us who don’t contribute in class because you randomly mention our names and we have no other option than to say something. You knew our names; you were interested in our wellbeing.
You’ve been a father and friend, Sir. Your recommendations and thoughtfulness would keep us excelling always. We pray for God’s immense blessing, and we hope to see you soon, especially the non-contributors association.
Dr Maapa Quansah, knowing that we won’t have you teaching us in the second semester broke our hearts. We wanted to go all semesters with you because you brought us life and essence.
Your admonishment of ‘weak ties’ has kept us going till now. You took us in, trained us, counselled us and became essential even in our personal lives. The many souls you’ve saved and the hearts you’ve touched are applauding you this day.
Though your lecture period comes at a time when we are all exhausted, you creatively found a way to keep us afloat.
Your meet and greet session with us was the starting point of the beautiful bond we have created as a class. We owe our unity to you Sir and we pray for God’s blessings.
Dr. John Paul Kosiba, the lecturer who became our best friend. One who loved us and made us laugh always to make learning easy. We loved your class, we learnt a lot. Your semiotic lecture was epic! and we are grateful sir.
You took us in and your interest in our lives made it easy for us to reach this point. We are grateful Sir. You tolerated us and made us feel at home. We are grateful and we pray for God’s immense blessings for you. We will miss you.
Dr. Robert Amponsah, Sir, your CV is our inspiration, and we hope to have a similar or even a better one.
Your class was practical and fun. Despite your level, you always came down to ours to help us onboard.
We are grateful Sir. We are thankful and we pray for God’s immense blessings for you.
Mrs Matilda Asante
We are grateful for your tutelage and guidance. And we pray for God’s immense blessings. We miss you especially your voice that calms us on our packed Sundays. Thank you, mum.

To our two course reps, Dennis Adu-Yeboah and Suad Yakubu, we say thank you.
Our class was a tough one! Yet, you led us gracefully. The backlashes and the frustrations, yet you were resilient and tenacious. Our unsung heroes, thank you for the dedication to lead us and the sacrifices you made. We are grateful to you.

Congratulations! We have made it and I’m really proud of us.
It will be hard. We know that the road will be muddy and rough, but we will get there! Heaven knows it and we know we will.
I love you deeply and pray for God’s guidance and sustenance. May He rain blessings on us and see us through all endeavors.
It was an honour.
Article by: Hilda Zoe Yeboah
The Writer is a member of the 2022 graduating class of the Master of Arts in Brands and Communications Management programme.