
ECG Regional Manager for Accra East pays courtesy call on Vice-Chancellor

The newly appointed General Manager of the Accra East Regional office of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Ing. Bismark Otoo, on Wednesday, June 8, paid a courtesy call on the Vice-Chancellor of UPSA, Professor Abednego F. O. Amartey at his office.

The visit was part of efforts by Ing. Otoo to engage key stakeholders in his jurisdiction while building strategic partnerships.

Ing. Otoo, who was accompanied by some members of his management team, lauded the management of UPSA for lifting the image of the University into a global brand.

He said management and staff of ECG were also committed to ensuring excellent customer service delivery to their customers and would work assiduously to achieve their corporate goals, especially in the areas of revenue mobilization and improved customer satisfaction.

For his part, the Vice-Chancellor welcomed the team from ECG and commended them for their warm gesture. He said UPSA has over the years enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the nation’s power providers.

The Vice-Chancellor of UPSA, Prof. Abednego F. O. Amartey interacting with officials from the Electricity Company of Ghana.


The two leaders exchanged ideas on ways to strengthen existing ties between the two state organisations while discussing some challenges confronting them.

Prof Amartey seized the opportunity to inform the company of the recurrent unstable power supply to the UPSA campus which, he says, is affecting teaching and learning.

The ECG Regional manager, on the other hand, assured the Vice-Chancellor of an immediate intervention to remedy the situation.

“Our technicians will assess the situation and see if we can mount a dedicated power transformer to stabilize power supply to the school,” he said.

Present at the meeting were the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of UPSA, Prof Charles Barnor; Mr Nicholas Adjei, Director of Finance; Dr Stephen Acheampong, Ag. Director of Administration; and Dr Edward Bannerman-Wood, a Deputy Registrar.

The team from ECG also included Ing. Jonathan Adjabeng, Regional Engineer, Accra East; Mr Moses Ahaiku, Materials and Transport Manager; Ms. Eunice Nana Agyeman, Revenue Protection Manager; Mr Paul Okine, Human Resource Manager; Ing. George Maclean, Legon District Manager; Mr Amos Abini, Accounts Manager; and Mary Eshun-Oppong, Communications Officer.

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