All undergraduate students (Levels 200,300 and 400) are to take special note of the new starting time of the End-of First Semester-2023/2024 Academic Year Examinations as clearly indicated on the timetable.
The end-of-first semester examinations will be held from Friday, 5th January to Sunday, 28th January, 2024 and the starting times of the various examinations are as follows:
Days of Examination | Examination Session | Starting Time |
Monday – Friday | Morning | 8.30 am |
Monday – Friday | Afternoon | 1.30 pm |
Fridays | Evening | 5.00 pm |
Saturdays and Sundays | Morning | 9.00 am |
Sundays | Afternoon | 1.30 pm |
Any student who reports 30 minutes after the starting time of the paper will not be admitted into the examination hall.
All students are entreated to ensure they have duly registered for the papers/examinations they intend to attend. Students who fail to do their course registration will not be allowed access to the examination hall.
The “No Student ID Card No Examination” policy will be strictly enforced for all continuing students. However, fresh students who have not yet obtained a student ID card may be allowed to write their papers with duly verified and endorsed proof of registration.
All students are strongly advised to comply with all rules and regulations governing the University examinations as stipulated in Section 4.27 of the Undergraduate Students’ Handbook, 2018. A copy of the student handbook can be found on the University’s website.
We take this opportunity to wish all students every success in their examinations.
Anthony Afeadie
Director of Academic Affairs
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- Candidates will not be permitted to start their examination until formally instructed to do so by the Invigilator.
- Candidates will not be admitted to an examination hall after the examination has been in progress for more than thirty (30) minutes. Candidates will not be permitted to leave the examination hall during the first thirty (30) minutes and the last fifteen (15) minutes of the writing of a paper.
- Any candidate who may be permitted to leave an examination hall temporarily must be accompanied by an invigilator or a person assigned by an invigilator.
- Candidates may only take printed material or manuscripts into an examination hall when it has previously been advertised in the examination timetable or when it is stated in the rubric to the question paper that such material(s) may be used.
- f) When calculators are permitted, they should be hand-held, quiet, self-powered and portable. No calculator instruction manuals will be allowed in examination halls in any circumstances. Candidates are responsible for the performance of their own calculators.
- Candidates must sit at the desks where their examination numbers are placed.
- Candidates must sign the attendance register which shall be presented to them by the invigilators at each examination sitting.
- Each student’s identification card shall be on the desk in the examination hall for the duration of the paper. Attempts at impersonation shall constitute cheating. Both the impersonator and the impersonated student shall be in breach of the regulation and shall be subjected to disciplinary action.
Extract from the Undergraduate Student’s Handbook on Rules for Candidates for University Examination
- Candidates who are guilty of any misconduct including copying from or communicating with any other candidate during an examination shall be made to write a statement and continue with the examination. Where a candidate refuses to write a statement, the invigilator must write his/her statement on the form and indicate the candidate’s refusal.
- A candidate who finishes a paper thirty (30) minutes before the end of the paper may leave the examination hall after handing in his/her answer booklet(s)
- A candidate must not leave the examination hall until their scripts have been handed to an invigilator. At the end of the examination, the invigilator shall request all candidates present in the hall to remain in their seats until all scripts have been collected.
- Smoking and drinking of any form of alcoholic beverages are not permitted in examination halls.
- All questions in a written examination must be answered in English unless instructions on the question paper indicate otherwise.
- Candidates may query the wording of an examination paper by asking an invigilator to check the wording with the relevant examiners. However, candidates may not seek advice or help from an invigilator concerning any other aspect of a paper.
- No student shall communicate with any other student in an examination hall during the examination on any matter or in way whatsoever.
- When the Invigilator- announces the end of the examination, students shall stop writing immediately and remain seated in silence until permitted to leave the examination hall.
- It is the responsibility of the candidates to find the examination hall well in advance and to be seated at least thirty (30) minutes before the commencement of any examination paper.
- Candidates are required to use their Index Numbers (written in full) on booklets throughout the examination. Under no circumstances must a candidate’s name be written on any part of the answer book provided. Candidates who fail to comply with this regulation will be penalised.
- Mobile phones whether switched on or off and other forms of communication gadgets shall not be allowed in the examination hall.
Issued by: Academic Affairs Directorate Dated: Wednesday, 12th April, 2023