
Reschedule of Examination Papers to Monday, 24th June 2024, Afternoon (2.00 – 5.00 PM)

This is to inform all continuing students that due to some unforeseen circumstance, all examination papers slated for Tuesday, 18th June 2024, Morning (9.00 am to 12.00 Noon) have been postponed.

Rescheduled sittings for the examination papers are as follows:

Date: Monday, 24th June 2024

Time: Afternoon (2.00 – 5.00 pm)

The affected papers include the following:

Course Code Course Title Session
BACT312 Management Accounting for Business Regular
BMKT302 Marketing Research Regular
BACT314 Cost and Management Accounting II Regular
BACT302 Management Accounting Regular
BASC406 Data and Machine Learning Regular
BBEC302 Intermediate Macroeconomics Regular
BLAW104/BLAW222 Constitutional Law of Ghana II Evening


All registered students for the above-mentioned courses must take note and attend the examination accordingly.

Please note that this arrangement does not affect the same papers to be written by Weekend Students.


Anthony Afeadie

Director of Academic Affairs



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