
8th ICBMED: Call for Abstracts


Call for Abstracts 

The University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) invites submissions for the 8th edition of its annual International Conference on Business Management and Entrepreneurial Development (ICBMED) 2023 on the theme Business Growth, Structural Change and Economic Development in Periods of Economic Crises”. 


The global economy has recorded its weakest growth profile since 2021, which is largely attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As a result, global economic activity is slowing faster than expected, with inflation higher than seen in several decades. For instance, Ghana’s current economic outlook is marred with cost-of-living crisis, tightening financial conditions (e.g., stark depreciation of the cedi, high interest rates, etc.), and weakened growth. Such economic crisis periods may require countries (especially, highly import dependent economies) to exploit opportunities of structural change to drive economic development in an attempt to provide an enabling environment for business growth and sustainability.

Structural reforms are thought to stimulate productivity and growth by improving the efficiency of markets and the broader economic environment. Further, it is argued that in order to achieve economic health, countries must continually change the fundamental structure of their economies. Such structural changes may improve the aggregate income by promoting faster capital accumulation and stability of the economy. Consequently, government and policymakers are exploring various avenues to transform and stabilise their economies to support business growth and sustainability. Against this background, how firms respond to volatile and unstable market conditions with limited resources for survival and successful business continuity in times of economic uncertainty and recovery is imperative. Hence, exploring how firms respond in periods of economic crisis, and providing managerially relevant implications is timely and critical. It is also important for scholars and researchers to explore potential structural changes that could drive economic development and business growth in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Against this background, this conference seeks to provide an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, business practitioners, policymakers and educators to discuss and explore the issues relevant to the conference theme. Prospective contributors are encouraged to submit an extended abstract that addresses the conference theme or fits into one of the following conference tracks but not limited to the conference theme and the specific tracks. Authors who are uncertain of the appropriate track for their submissions should submit their abstracts to the ‘General Management and Business Survival in Periods of Economic Crisis track’ or contact the conference coordinator (

Track 1: Economic Structural Reforms

Track 2: Changing the Structure of the Economy using Business

Track 3: Law and Governance in Economic Structural Changes

Track 4: Structural Reforms in Accounting and Financial Services

Track 5: Business Strategy and Sustainability in Periods of Economic Crisis

Track 6: Marketing in Periods of Economic Crisis

Track 7: Information Technology and Digitalization

Track 8: HRM and Industrial Relations in Periods of Economic Crisis

Track 9: Changing the Structure of the Economy through Agribusiness

Track 10: Structural Change, Tourism Development and Growth

Track 11: Changing the Structure of the Economy using Media and Communication

Track 12: Empowering SMEs to Support Economic Structural Change

Track 13: General Management and Business Survival in Periods of Economic Crisis

Track 14: PhD and Graduate Student Papers


PhD and Graduate students are encouraged to submit their papers to Track 14: PhD and Graduate Student Paper. This track will provide PhD and graduate students the opportunity to share their work with current and future colleagues. Attending the conference will provide participating students with the opportunity to network with experienced leading scholars.


All accepted and presented abstracts will be published in a book of abstracts and on the University’s website. By submitting an abstract, authors give consent and authorize the Scientific Committee to publish their abstracts.

Authors who wish to publish their papers are encouraged to submit their full papers to the Journal of Business and Professional Studies (JBPS) for consideration in a special edition on the conference theme. The Journal of Business and Professional Studies is a prestigious international peer-review journal published by the University of Professional Studies, Accra. Authors are to note that presenting their papers at the ICBMED conference does not guarantee an automatic acceptance for publication in the Journal of Business and Professional Studies. 


● Virtual



● We hereby welcome authors interested in presenting papers during the 8th ICBMED – 2023 to submit an extended abstract of their research works (only in MS Word) through

● The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15th February, 2023.

● The extended abstracts should not exceed 4 pages (including tables, figures and references) and should follow the following structure. There is flexibility as to the naming of the sections. Sub-headings can be used when necessary.
i. Title of the paper

ii. Author(s) full name

iii. Authors affiliation and email address

iv. Abstract (Not exceeding 250 words)

v. Introduction (Purpose/aım & background)
This section should set the scene and clearly highlight the research motivation. Briefly review the relevant literature and present the research gap(s) and why it is important to know. Further, clearly the scope and objectives of the paper.

vi. Methodology
The methodology must be clearly stated and described in sufficient detail or with sufficient references.

vii. Fındıngs/results
The findings (or results) of the work should be explicitly described and illustrated. Supporting figures, tables and images of the results (no more than one figure and one table) may be included in the extended abstract.

viii. Conclusıons
Conclusions should include (1) the principles and generalisations inferred from the results, (2) any exceptions to, or problems with these principles and generalisations, (3) conclusions drawn and recommendations.

ix. References
References should be listed in alphabetical order and presented in a format according to APA 7th Style.


Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: 15th February, 2023
Notice of acceptance of extended abstracts: 1st March, 2023
Conference date: 26 – 27 April 2023



Office: J. J. Martey Block, SFN 01 (2nd Floor), UPSA
UPSA E-mail:
Phone: (+233)546298594

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